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Рекомендации Совета Европы по медиаобразованию (2000) (Media education. Recommendation of Council of Europe (2000))
Media education should become an important area for work of the Council of Europe competent bodies. The two most relevant areas for such work seem to be those of education for democratic citizenship and new information technologies. This requires a co-ordinated, inter-sectorial approach to this issue. The Committee of Ministers should also instruct its competent bodies to encourage the elaboration and the development of media literacy programmes for children, adolescents and adults, as well as of teacher training programmes in this field. Media education should be promoted as an important element of its programmes on non-formal education, along the lines set out in Assembly Recommendation 1437 (2000) on non-formal education. It is worth examining the existing practices in media education in member states with a view to promoting the most successful. To achieve these objectives, the Council of Europe should involve in an active dialogue educational bodies, parent organisations, media professionals, Internet service providers, NGOs etc. It is time to promote an integrated European approach to media education. This should be done in close co-operation with other international organisations such as the European Union and Unesco. Полный текст - во вложении.Файл: Council of Europe ME Rec 2000.doc (97 Kb)